
Important Property Tax Dates

We are the professionals who can successfully get a property tax appeal done for you. Put our 25+ years of Property Tax Knowledge, Experience, and Superior Service working to save money on your Property Taxes. We’re proudly maintain thousands of satisfied customers who love our easy “no stress” service. We have a “no upfront fee” policy. And we are also able to offer free property tax appeal case evaluations. But perhaps best of all for you, we are paid through contingency fees. If we don’t win you don’t pay.

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Important Property Tax Dates

Staying on top of important property tax dates is the first step tolowering your property tax.

In order to properly file for property tax appeals it’s essential that homeowners, property managers, and real estate investors know the timeline and relevant dates for their respective counties.

If you miss the date, the county will not hear your case. And we certainly can’t help you file an assessment appeal past your filing deadline.

January 1:

Lien date – the time when taxes for the following fiscal year (July 1 – June 30) become a lien on property.

February 15:

Deadline for filing Veterans, Homeowners, Church, Religious, Welfare Exemptions, Historical Aircraft and other institutional exemptions.

March 15:

Deadline for filing Owner’s Request for Review of Property Value.

April 1:

Deadline for filing Business Personal Property Statements.

April 10:

Deadline for payment of second installment of secured property taxes.

July 1:

Assessment Roll delivered by the Assessor to the Auditor-Controller.

July 2 – September 15 or November 30:

Period during which the Clerk of the Board accepts petitions for Assessment Appeals Board hearings on the regular roll. Other filing periods may apply for Supplemental Assessments and Escape Assessments.

August 31:

Deadline for payments of unsecured property taxes.

December 10:

Deadline for late filing of Homeowners, Veterans and Disabled Veterans Exemptions. Deadline for payment of first installment of secured property taxes.


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